Top 11 CCNA Word Bee
Hi ! everyone on today we are going to learn our next 11 ccna words which is used in exams.and which is given in simplified explanation.

1. Collision domain A set of network interface cards (NICs) for which a frame sent by one NIC could result in a collision with a frame sent by any other NIC in the same collision domain.
2. Configuration mode Inside the Cisco IOS Software CLI, a user can move among various modes. Configuration mode enables the user to enter configuration commands but not any EXEC commands, for instance, the user can configure an IP address, but cannot show the status of any router features.
3. Configuration register In Cisco routers, a 16-bit, user-configurable value that determines how the router functions during initialization. In software, the bit position is set by specifying a hexadecimal value using configuration commands.
4. Console port A component of a router or switch through which commands are entered into a host.
5. Convergence The time required for routers to react to changes in the network, removing bad routes and adding new, better routes so that the current best routes are in all the routers routing tables.
6. CPE Customer premises equipment. Any equipment related to communications that is located at the customer site, as opposed to inside the telephone company's network.
7. CSMA/CD Carrier sense multiple access collision detect. A media-access mechanism in which devices ready to transmit data first check the channel for a carrier. If no carrier is sensed for a specific period of time, a device can transmit. If two devices transmit at once, a collision occurs and is detected by all colliding devices. This collision subsequently delays re transmissions from those devices for some random length of time.
8. CSU/DSU Data service unit/channel service unit. Used on digital links as an interface to the telephone company in the United States. Routers typically use a short cable from a serial interface to a DSU/CSU, which is attached to the line from the tel-co with a similar configuration at the other router on the other end of the link.
10. Encryption Applying a specific algorithm to data to alter the appearance of the data, making it incomprehensible to those who are not authorized to see the information.
Therefore, these are the important ccna words to be studied for exams to gain knowledge through this session and on our next blog we will see next 11 ccna words.
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