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Sunday, 1 October 2017

Top 11 CCNA Word Bee #8

Top 11 CCNA Word Bee

Hi ! everyone on today we are going to learn our next 11 CCNA words with simply explanation given below.

Image result for tcp cartoons
1. TCP Transmission Control Protocol. A connection-oriented transport layer TCP/IP protocol that provides reliable data transmission.

2. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A common name for the suite of protocols developed by the U.S. Department of Defense in the 1970s to support the construction of worldwide internetworks. TCP and IP are the two best-known protocols in the suite.

3. Telco A common abbreviation for telephone company.

4. Telnet The standard terminal emulation protocol in the TCP/IP protocol stack. Telnet is used for remote terminal connection, enabling users to log in to remote systems and use resources as if they were connected to a local system. 

5. Trace Short for traceroute. A program available on many systems that traces the path that a packet takes to a destination. It is used mostly to debug routing problems between hosts.

6. Transparent bridge A device that forwards frames between LAN segments based on the destination MAC address. Transparent bridging is so named because the presence of bridges is transparent to network end nodes.

7. Trunking Also called VLAN trunking. A method (using either Cisco's ISL protocol or the IEEE 802.1q protocol) to support multiple VLANs that have members on more than one switch.

8. Twisted pair Transmission medium consisting of two insulated wires arranged in a regular spiral pattern. The wires can be shielded or unshielded. Twisted pair is common in telephony applications and in data networks.

9. UDP User Datagram Protocol. Connection less transport layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol stack. UDP is a simple protocol that exchanges datagrams without acknowledgments or guaranteed delivery.

10. Update timer A timer used by a router to indicate when to send the next routing update.

11. User mode A mode of the user interface to a router or switch in which the user can type only non disruptive EXEC commands, generally just to look at the current status, but not to change any operational settings.
On our next session we will see some more ccna words shortly and this is presented by young ccna lab trainers.

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